Grace Recla

The March Charge 2025

My Activity Tracking


My target 75kms

Day 1 - Getting Motivated

My day started slow  - it was a Saturday after all! I got up at 8:15am, decided to look at some available rentals (in the midst of moving in the next couple of months!) on my phone  and then finally managed to get up and water my plants outside. I think getting outside always helps me feel a bit less ‘eh’. I’m convinced I’m a solar powered human. I lounged around a bit more before I decided this really wasn’t the vibe and decided I needed to start my day.  I cued some tunes and got ready. 

I was having breakfast (or is it brunch now?!) at around 10am,  when my phone flashed with a new message. It was The March Charge, with a reminder for me to join my sister’s team. I had a really busy week with work and side projects that I had forgotten to sign up! I didn’t even realise it was the first day of March. I quickly accepted her invitation, signed up and then dug my shirt out from my closet. 

I actually had a quick cake date I had to go to, so I attended that and then was off on my way to my local trail. It was hot weather today, so I didn’t forget the sunscreen. You know that feeling when you start something after a while and you really just don’t feel like it? Running is always one of them for me, but I know I always feel better after it and with such a good cause I always have my dad in the back of my mind. My dad was in his early 60’s when he passed away from a really aggressive form of prostate cancer. He had no symptoms until it was too late, but until that happened, he was a fit, healthy person who had this huge vibrant energy for life. He is what motivates me, because I know if he were here, he’d be running or walking with me. 

So I started. I really like HIIT running, or interval running. It helps me cover a longer distance and I found it helped with my shins. I also really enjoy trail running because there’s things to see and there’s multiple inclines and declines - it doesn’t get boring. Today I did 6.6km! Which I was super happy with. When I started running this year, I could barely do a 1km without being drained. 

Bright red, and eyes stinging from my sunscreen running into my eyes (if you know sunscreen that doesn’t sting, hit me up!) I returned home satisfied with myself. Sometimes all you need is to get started, whether that only be 1km or a quick 15 minute walk :)

I'm taking on Cancer Council's The March Charge...

...a month-long fitness challenge to raise funds for world-class cancer research, prevention programs, and support services

This year in Australia an estimated 162,000 people will hear the words "you have cancer", I'm doing my part to change this by getting active and fundraising for people impacted by cancer. 

Please sponsor me today to make every KM count! Every dollar raised will help support Cancer Council’s life-saving cancer research, prevention programs and support services (like their free, confidential Information and Support line 13 11 20) for people affected by cancer. 

Let's tell cancer where to go!


Help me light my badges

for next year

So far this year I’ve helped provide:

19 kids with a SunSmart education


0 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


0 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

My Fundraising over the years

Thank you to my Sponsors


Rosalina Recla