Kai Maurer

The March Charge 2025

My Activity Tracking


My target 150kms

Big 67km Week, and just 8 days to go.

I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who has been there for me throughout this challenge. Your support, encouragement, and kind words have meant the world to me, and I truly couldn’t have done this without you. This past week was the biggest and most rewarding week I’ve had so far!

At the start of the month, my goal was to hit 67km in total, but this week alone, I managed to cover that distance! While there was still more walking than running, I’m incredibly happy that I was able to complete three solid 6km runs. They weren’t fast, and I may have taken a breather or two along the way, but a slow run is still a run and every step forward is progress. I’m hopeful that my fitness will continue to improve as I push forward.

On top of that, I’ve officially surpassed my increased target of 150km and now sit at an incredible 165km! With just 8 days left, I’m setting my sights on an even bigger milestone, 200km. It’s going to be a challenge, but I’m determined to give it my best shot and see if I can get there. 

Once again, thank you all so much for being part of this journey with me.  Your support has kept me going, and I can't wait to see what the final 8 days bring.  Let's do this!

Quick update – we’re past the halfway mark!

First off, a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me throughout this challenge! I originally set my goal at 67km, but here we are, 17 days in, and I’ve already passed the 100km mark! Now, I’m aiming for 150km by the end of March – let’s see how far we can go!

After my last round of chemo on March 4th, I’m finally starting to feel a little better each day. My fitness has definitely taken a hit, so while I’d love to say I’ve been running heaps, it’s actually been a whole lot more walking – but movement is movement, right?

I'm taking on Cancer Council's The March Charge with a goal of 67kms.

The March Charge is a month-long fitness challenge to raise funds for world-class cancer research, prevention programs, and support services. 

This year in Australia an estimated 162,000 people will hear the words "you have cancer", I'm doing my part to change this by getting active and fundraising for people impacted by cancer. 

Please sponsor me today to make every KM count! Every dollar raised will help support Cancer Council’s life-saving cancer research, prevention programs and support services (like their free, confidential Information and Support line 13 11 20) for people affected by cancer. 

Let's tell cancer where to go!

Up until now, I’ve chosen to keep my journey and story limited to a small group of trusted friends and colleagues. So, why share my story now? It’s not about me. It’s about raising awareness in the fight against this cruel disease and highlighting what each of us can do together to make a difference.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Support the cause – The March Charge
  • Join the Charge
  • Reach out to someone you know who may be affected by cancer. A simple “Are you okay?” can mean the world.
  • Spread the message
  • Donate if you can

You might be wondering why I chose 67 km and why that number seems small. Just 67 days ago, I would have agreed with you that it’s not much of a challenge. But everything changed with one phone call from my doctor. He asked how quickly I could see him. I said today would be difficult, and he responded, “I guess tomorrow will have to do.” I rearranged everything to see him that afternoon. That appointment marked the beginning of a whirlwind few weeks, which started with the words “you have cancer”, tests, scans, and a Port Cath insertion, all leading to 67 days of chemotherapy as of March 1st, the start of this challenge.

Exercise and movement have been emphasized as essential for my treatment, and I’ve been trying my best. At the start of treatment in January, I managed 112 km. So far in February, I’ve only done 49 km despite being over two-thirds of the way through. I’m aiming for 70 km, though March may be even harder. What used to be a simple 10 km run has become a difficult 4 km jog/walk.

I also want to be clear: I’m fortunate to have experienced minimal, manageable symptoms and side effects so far (and I’m keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way). My journey has just begun, but I know many others going through treatment are facing much greater challenges. For those who, for whatever reason, can’t participate in The March Charge, I’m doing this for them, and everyone else effected by this cancer in any way.

I’m also doing this because:

  • An estimated 162,000 Australians will hear the words “You have cancer” this year alone.
  • One in two Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by age 85.
  • Cancer remains a leading cause of death in Australia.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude:
To the doctors, nurses, and support staff at Gold Coast Colorectal, Icon Cancer Centre, Gold Coast Cancer Centre, and Pindara Day infusion, thank you for everything you and your teams have done to make this journey easier for me. Your care has made all the difference. 

To the radiologists, lab technicians, nurses, and IT support teams at South Coast Radiology, thank you for your dedication. Your investment in the latest scanning, imaging, and diagnostic equipment from leading vendors, along with the infrastructure to efficiently share images, data, and reports, plays a crucial role in helping doctors design more tailored, targeted, and less invasive treatment plans. This commitment directly supports better patient outcomes, and I’m truly grateful for everything you do.

To the staff at Vonex and the leadership provided by the Senior Management Team, I thank you for your flexibility and support. The compassion you’ve shown is a big part of why this company is thriving. It’s not just a great place to work because of the care you’ve demonstrated, it’s also because of the guidance you provide, which helps shape and define the culture and behaviours within the organisation. And to James, my teammate, thank you for taking on more of the load as we work toward our goals together this time.

Lastly, to my family and friends, especially my wife and daughters: thank you for your love and patience. I know I’m not always the easiest person to live with even at the best of times, and it’s probably been even harder recently. Your support means everything to me.

That’s my story. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

To donate - https://www.themarchcharge.com.au/fundraisers/KaiMaurer/2025

Get involved and charge yourself this March?

You feel good when you feel the Charge!

Here are just some of the reasons why thousands of Aussies are joining us to tell cancer where to go.

Challenge Yourself

Start the year off right by pushing yourself to reach your fitness goals. Set a goal for how many kilometres you want to walk or run, and get Charging!

For Your Health

Regular exercise has many positive impacts on your physical and mental wellbeing - including reducing your cancer risk. 

Do Something Good

By fundraising for your Charge you'll help fund life-saving research and make an enormous difference to those impacted by cancer.

Your fundraising has an enormous impact on how cancer is researched and treated.

Cancer Council is the largest non-government funder of cancer research in the country - and it's because of Chargers like you.

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have been able to invest almost $250 million in Australian cancer research in the past 5 years alone.

This investment in research helped increase cancer survival rates from 49% in the 1980s to over 70% today.

And we're working to make sure the funds you raise go even further.

You can find some more information about how the funds you raise help the almost 1 in 2 Australians that are affected by cancer by age 85 below.



Help me light my badges

for next year

So far this year I’ve helped provide:

4189 kids with a SunSmart education


191 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


58 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

My Fundraising over the years

Thank you to my Sponsors


Maxo Telecommunications Pty Ltd


Paul And Mia Pyyvaara


Rodney Seppelt


Gwenyth Seppelt


Andrew Treanor

Good luck


Von Bibra Auto Group


Evan Wheatley

You’ve got this fight mate, f cancer!


First Choice Communications


Klaus Maurer



You’ve got his Kai 💪


Celia Finger

Sending metta


David & Jen

Proud of how far you’ve come already!


Paul Brooks

Inspirational progress...


Helena Winson


Nigel Veerhuis


Kt & G

All the good vibes to you Kai!! Rocking the hairdo!! 💖👏💪 love Kt & G xx


Lorraine Gardner

You meet your challenges head on - proud of you


Ian Porter

Inspirational Kai


Margo Amundsen

Good luck! Such a great thing you are doing.



Good luck with the challenge Kai.


Rosa Alessi

You’ve got this Kai 🎗️


Lyn Roberts


Colin Moira Kleinschmidt


Desley Maurer


G Barany


Duane Williams

F#@k Cancer


Kai Maurer


Colin Moira Kleinschmidt


David Walsh

Kick Ass Kai.


Dylan Maurer


Ermis Kyprianou

Kai- I had no idea. I admire your strength and courage and have no doubt that you will beat this. Stay strong 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Adam Kath


Bronwen Thomas-bell

So often in my thoughts Kai and so proud of your courage and determination. Your desire to help others is so inspirational. Love Bronwen



Such a positive attitude Kai . I wish you well.


Lorraine Copelin

Praying for a full recovery


Margaret Burrowes


Dan Osgathorpe


Brad Walsh

Run Forest Run!!!!


Pete Coombe


Leigh H

I know you're always up for a challenge Kai, you'll nail it and be back to your 100km+ in no time. Would love to join you on one of those jogs next time I visit the area, Leigh


Damon Baker

Hey Kai Good luck with the March charge mate. I am sorry I have not been in touch as much as I should. Give me a call if you would like to catch up or just a chat. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Cheers Damon


Renee Thompson




Julie Champion


Rebecca Merriman

All the best for the challenge, sending you good vibes and healing energy!


Ed Wilkes

Good luck with the challenge Kai!