My Activity Tracking
My target 200kms
Let's go for $10,000

We've passed 6K ... now lets go for 10K
Thanks for all the support, not just for me but for the thousands of people diagnosed with some form of cancer each year. We've cracked 6K in just 12 days ... let's see if we can get to 10K in the remaining 19 days of March.Increase target
Thanks to the generous support of so many, I'm going to up my target from $1000 to $5000. Remember, every little bit counts towards research that could extend and/or saves a loved one's life. Donate at https://www.themarchcharge.com.au/fundraisers/timstoney/2025I'm taking on Cancer Council's The March Charge...
...a month-long fitness challenge to raise funds for world-class cancer research, prevention programs, and support services.
This year in Australia an estimated 162,000 people will hear the words "you have cancer", I'm doing my part to change this by getting active and fundraising for people impacted by cancer.
Please sponsor me today to make every KM count! Every dollar raised will help support Cancer Council’s life-saving cancer research, prevention programs and support services (like their free, confidential Information and Support line 13 11 20) for people affected by cancer.
Let's tell cancer where to go!
Help me light my badges








So far this year I’ve helped provide:
3782 kids with a SunSmart education
173 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20
52 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

My Fundraising over the years

Thank you to my Sponsors

Facebook Donation

Tim Appel
Keep up the wonderful effort mate.

Chris Horan

Sen Lam
Well done, darling. V proud of you.

Susan Cowan

Catherine Mann
You can smash this, Tim and Rosa! What a dream team and what a worthy cause.


Paul Jackson

Ann Buchner
Tim, every step you take is making a real difference. I hope my small contribution helps pave the way toward a cure.

Lisa Studdert
Happy to support the charge Tim. All the very best to you.

Good stuff Tim!

Fiona Brown

Georgina Lyell
Right behind you Tim. X

Kate Turned

Bill Mcclelland
Up and at it mate

Greg Field

Kylie Miller
Go Tim and Rosa! Xx

The Gregurke’s
You got this Tim. Love the Pickle family.

Elizabeth Stoney
Inspiring Tim

Michrlle Coffey
Love ya, Tim (and Rosa!) xx

Aurore Et Sebastian
Keep walking and keep talking about it! From London with love.

Joshua Maruet
Good luck Tim.

Tim Stoney

Ellen Yee
Go Rosa! Ummm....I mean.... Go Tim! :) :) :)

Facebook Donation

Kristy Hess
Tim wow!! Have reconnected with Instagram just to follow your March mission. Enjoy the walks in the sunshine.

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Peter Gearin
Go your hardest, Tim!

Good on you Tim. All the very best

Urs And Pete

Michelle Fincke
Great thing to do for yourself and others Tim.

Sarah And Lobby
Go, Tim, go! xx

Angela Savage
Tim, I only learned recently of your diagnosis. F*#k cancer. May your treatment be both manageable and highly effective. Thinking of you, sending strength and love.

Sally Rippin
Best wishes to you and your family, Tim.

Nicole Mallalieu
Great cause and fantastic effort, Tim. Wishing you and Rosa many happy walks!

Siobhan & Luke
Best wishes, Tim! One foot in front of the other. Love your courage! ❤️

Sarah Brockwell

Geoff Hutchison

Pia Johnson
Incredible Tim! Very inspiring x


Julie Nodin
Keep up the great work. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. 🤞

Zeljko Basic
A great cause - you’ll smash the challenge and hopefully your fundraising target too. Good luck mate. Big hugs.


Next, it will be the full Camino😆

Bern Jackson


Sophie Nicoll
Great effort Tim, so sorry to hear you are battling this x

Tanya H
Best wishes for the challenge. T x

Rory Calvert
You got this big dog

Phil Johnson
A hard fall means a high bounce if you’re made of the right stuff. And you’re made of the right stuff, mate.

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Damian Stoney
Proud of you brother x

Karen Percy
Great work Tim.

Angus Ibbott

Wendy Mock

Michael Gearin
Go lad!!

Honi Travers
Sending lots of love Timbo🤗

Allison Harding
Great work Tim x

Tiffany R
Loved seeing you and this cause pop up on instagram. Good luck Tim and Rosie.

Tina Larocca
Sending you my love

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