Our team are supporting Cancer Council's The March Charge...
...a month-long fitness challenge to raise funds for world-class cancer research, prevention programs, and support services.
Almost 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, we're doing our part to change this by Charging, getting active, and fundraising to end cancer.
Please sponsor our team today, every dollar raised is one step closer to a cancer free future.
Let's tell cancer where to go!
Our Team Members

Domenic Lombardo

Allissa Harrington

Belinda Dorresteyn

Catherine Dodd

Fiona Chan

Agnes Khouw

joseph lantz

Sean Hatter

Nicole Blake

Harold Lloyd

Natasha Tamburic

Helen Bednar

Jonathan Eliopoulos

Marina Martins

Annalise Blatchford

Isabella Ishac

Nikita Karr

muthu palaniappan

Jan Mikhail

Pankaj sood

Kevin Jun Kim

Aida Dedic

Leona Jiao

Micaela Outtrim

Vandana Aul

Cathy Baker

Courtney Gray

Luisa Sugawara

Pavement-pounder Odell

Sam Wynn

James Loupos

Shelley McCall

Winya Vleeskens

Lisa Diver-Tuck

Cameron Bowen

Tony Di Mauro

Petronie Lufu

Natalie Lines

Mac Nascimento
Thank you to our Sponsors

Craig Mcmurray

Athena Eliopoulos
I am incredibly proud of you for your strength and courage in facing cancer and now sharing your story to help others. Love Mum


Cathy Baker

Sam Arellano
Well done

Gus Robertson
Good luck with your support of a great cause

Alexandra Eliopoulos
Good on you! Great cause! 💪🏻

Sara Khaiami

Maria Dang

Tony Di Mauro

Jarrod Goyen

Jonathan Eliopoulos

Vincent Chan
Walking for a good cause! Goodluck!

Wendy Dorresteyn
You got this❤️

Peter Kareklas
Great cause! Best wishes always!

Brooke Gatt
I am proud of you and think you’re an extremely strong amazing woman!!!

Allissa Harrington

Elly Mcgrath
Go Nic!! Smash it babe 😘


Mark Liu
Go Fiona!!

Gerald Zimberdoon

Harold Lloyd

Pauline Munro
I’m glad you are doing better. Cancer touches many lives. Best of luck Belinda ❤️

Domenic Lombardo

Belinda Dorresteyn

Ioanna Alexopoulos


Marina Martins


Lisa Diver-tuck

Helen Bednar

Kirst & Family

Aida Dedic

Mahrck Cavanagh

Ghassan Hammoud

James Wu

Luisa Sugawara

Annalise Blatchford

Micaela Outtrim

Cathy Richmond
You got this my beautiful MF Love you

Shauna Moore

Chris Peacock

Nicole Yannopoulos
Well done Jonathan!

Drew Peacock

Katrina Butler
What a journey! Glad it was a successful one!


Eugene K
Go Fiona! It's not a race but you better come first!

Walk Fiona walk! Well done 👍

Nicole Blake

V Girls
Way to go Nic! Us V Girls know you can do this! XXX

Mimi Chan

Helen Pham
Good on you , keep up the great work Fiona!

Sam Wynn

Kathy Lombardo
Great cause Dom

Alexander Ishac
Go Izzy

John Hadjisavas

Julie Pham
Go Fiona!!

Fiona Chan


Madeleine Jongeneel

Yali Windle
I am donating for Belinda Dorresteyn and for my Mother who is newly diagnosed on the Cancer journey. Two brave women who will never be defeated by cancer.

Lauren Coony
Keep up the great work Nic! Super proud of you 🫶

Angela Lovegrove
So proud of you, go Bel! 🩷

Bruce Decocque
For my mate


Theresa Lay
You owe me a shot

Jan Mikhail


Manny Kanblo
Go Hard son!

Tracey Shaw
Cancer sucks!!!!!!!!!!


Peter G
As a fellow survivor, I get it. Gentle hugs.

Fiona Maclean
Glad you're out the other side and doing well.

Facebook Donation

Lesley Potter
together we can make a difference :)

Katherine Tollner
Hi Helen

Cecilia Eu
GO GO GO Fi!!!


Charly Ferrier


Najah Ishac

Lennon Chapman
Rock on 🤘
Go get em sweetie