Ruby Morrison

The March Charge 2025

My Activity Tracking


My target 100kms

for my mum, Cherie, forever missing you xx

...a month-long fitness challenge to raise funds for world-class cancer research, prevention programs, and support services

This year in Australia an estimated 162,000 people will hear the words "you have cancer", I'm doing my part to change this by getting active and fundraising for people impacted by cancer. 

Please sponsor me today to make every KM count! Every dollar raised will help support Cancer Council’s life-saving cancer research, prevention programs and support services (like their free, confidential Information and Support line 13 11 20) for people affected by cancer. 

Let's tell cancer where to go!


Help me light my badges

for next year

So far this year I’ve helped provide:

4208 kids with a SunSmart education


192 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


58 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

My Fundraising over the years

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chp Group



Morriarchi Architecture (dad)

I'm so proud of you Ruby. And so is your mother. She is supporting you every step of the way. Keep going. You are an inspiration to us all. Love you. Dad xxxxxx


Graham Morrison & Gaye Kennedy

Great work Ruby mum would be so proud


Coastal Headache Clinic

So proud of you Rubes. Looking forward to the walks. Will try not to sprain my ankle at the top of the mountain this time. Xoxo Tess


Nick Hayes Constructions

We are supporting you in your March Charge Ruby. From the team at Nick Hayes Constructions


Tan, Dave And Xander Fraser

Go Rubes! You have got this girl. Your mum would be so so proud of you Rubes - she will be walking with us all Love you Tan, Dave and Xan xx


Grace Bentley

Epic cause & so proud of this gal! Cheering for you Rubes!! ❤️❤️


Ryan Finlay


James Morrison

Go Ruby go. You’re an inspiration and your Mum would be so proud of your beautiful spirit. I’ll be cheering you on from Melbourne.


Next Tier Innovations

You have my Support Ruby good luck I know you will absolutely smash your targets


Marilyn Brayshaw

Go hard Rubes! We are cheering you on all the way. Your mum would be soooooo proud. Love Abbs, Maz and Kirk


Jordan Odriscoll

Well done Ruby!


Simpson Family

With love from the Simpson Family


Sandy Alps & Family

Well done gorgeous Rubes. Your beautiful Mum would be so proud of you. You are an inspiration to us all 💪xx


Justin & Christina Scattini

Well done Ruby


Fergus Ponder


Will Foxton

Well done, Ruby.


Tony Kimmins

He Rubes, Your second dad plus kales thinks your amazing, we love you loads


Estelle Whitfield

Love you Rubes, your awesome ☀️💛


Alex Gaythorpe

What an inspiration you are Ruby, to all of us!


Narelle And Andrew Whatham



Inertech Grant Friend


Gary And Sommer Scarborough

Well done Ruby!


Coco, Lulu, Daisy And Bianca

Ruby, we love you lots and think about you all the time. Love Coco and Lulu and Daisy and Bianca xxx


Sharni Scott

Amazing Ruby. Lots of love xx


Paul Wilson

Good on you Ruby,champion effort.


Aunty Mary Thomson

You are a great inspiration to our family Ruby. We are all so proud of your efforts. Love ypu to the moon and back little red shoes


Anthony Pfingst

Hey Rudy, what an awesome young person you are. Very proud as your mum would be too. I will walk in Darwin alongside you to support your walk. Your mum was such an inspiration and a beautiful person.


Bruce Dowling

Great effort Ruby, don't forget to have some fun!!


Renae Fegent

Love ya Rubes xxx


Lucas Muro Photographer

Hi Ruby, our love goes to you and your family! Love your attitude and bravery on putting yourself out there to help others! You are true LEGEND!


Ralph Wheeler


Gibbons Family



Hi Ruby , you are such a strong young lady who I hope inspires others in yr challenging position. Be proud and keep believing anything is possible 😊


Dave H


Naomi Leard

You are amazing Ruby 💕 lots of love the Leards xxx


Verena Bowden

Go Ruby!


Emma Kelly

You’re amazing Ruby, and so was your beautiful mum x


Paul Mchugh

Well done Ruby


Eddie Jebreen


Andrew Baty

Great work Rubes ❤️


Kirree & Ella 💛


Milly Simpson

Love you ruby x


Vanessa Finis


Kelly Ford

Go Ruby ! You are an inspiration to everyone & your beautiful mum would be so proud.


Sophie Hebron

Go Ruby!!! You are amazing!! ❤️❤️❤️


Ruby Schultz

good luck ❤️


Melanie Broderick

You are amazing Ruby!!


Cooper Flynn


Kate Pieterse (jack And Sam’s Mum)

You are such an inspiration your mum would be so proud of you ❤️ I lost my mum 12 years ago and this was the first walk I did for her xxx stay strong she’s with you 🦋



Legendary work Rubes. Love ya guts Sandy x


Shilo Baty

You’re amazing Ruby x


Erin Barnes

You’re a legend Ruby. So brave and strong, and still always sharing your infectious humour. Gosh your Mum would be beaming with pride xx


Georgia And Gabby


Gabrielle O’connor

Well done Ruby! I’m sure your mum would be so proud of your efforts ❤️!


Barb Hart-nilsson

You are an amazing young woman Ruby, good luck with your fund raising, your Mum would be so proud of you. 🥰



All our love


Erin Jones

so, so proud of you rubes!! love you lots 💛⭐️


Rose C



Toby Wills



Luv u Ruby


Katrina Young

Well Done Ruby xx Mum will be watching over you xx Love You From Aunty Treeny and the Boys x



What an awesome challenge in the name of your mum, Ruby. All the best. Shannon


Olivia Graham


Josephine Saleeba

Hope you go well Jox


Lisa Zweck

The world needs more people like you Ruby. This is a wonderful way to honour your mum while also helping others dealing with cancer. ❤️❤️




Juju X

i love you so much rubes!!! you’re gonna do amazing things and i am so proud of you🤍


Elodie Pezard

You are so strong, gorgeous and an inspiration to so many people.



Love you rubes xx


Ella Flynn

Proud of you🫶


Chloe Mcfarlane

Your amazing ruby LOVE YOU SO MUCH 🩷


Indi Thompson



Sophie Procopis

So proud of you ruby.




Eliana Paget

Ruby you are honestly one of the most kind and positive person I know, I hope you reach your goal x


Dakoda Taylor


Scott Broderick

Go Girls!!


Jasmine Hawks


Will Montgomerie

Hey I know it’s not much but I just wanted to help a little bit. Sorry for only 5$


Paddy Cutler

Hope this helps