My Dad is my reason why
Every year, for the last 5 years, cancer has taken away someone I've loved.
Last year, my world was turned upside down when my Dad was diagnosed with terminal kidney cancer. The hardest part about dealing with his cancer is the unknown. The unknown time frames, the unknown results of trial treatments and the unknown of what to expect along the way.
The effort and dedication that is poured into cancer research is undeniable and this can continue to develop with the more donations that are made.
12 months on, I'm so thankful that I still have my Dad around. It's all thanks to the clinical trials and research that have developed the immunotherapy treatment that he has been receiving. Although he's been fighting a good fight, there is still an abyss of unknown ahead of us. To be able to make a small contribution towards creating a "known" for another family in the future, would make the world of difference.
Help me light my badges








So far this year I’ve helped provide:
226 kids with a SunSmart education
10 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20
3 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

My Fundraising over the years